Thursday, August 30, 2007

New Concept Map

I thought I had better post a proper concept map- about all of the ideas behind attitude formation and attitude change. so here it is....
Once again click on it and it will appear in a new window much larger.

Let me knowif there is anything else I should be including. xx

Tuesday, August 28, 2007

My Draft Concept Map: Attitude Change

I am still trying to perfect the posting of the concept map- if you click on the concept map it will open up in a new page and appear much more clearly.

Monday, August 27, 2007

Don't let ice destroy you

An example of the new Drug Campaign. This ad is more authoritative, using a 'credible source', and a more central route to persuasion. It also uses pretty confrunting 'scare' tactics.

Thursday, August 23, 2007

Just an example from the teenage booklet against drugs

It is interesting to see the factual information: the dot points and concise drug info. It is also interesting to see the use of an advocate who is a DJ- someone who can easily appeal to the target audience....

New Drug Campaign- Released 16th August 2007

After doing fair bit of research, looking for journals and evaluations- I am finding a great deal on drugs and attitude change.

If anyone has a spare minute to watch this commercial or you may have already seen it; it is very powerful... here is the URL:

The entire campaign launched by the Australian government is proving to be very comprehensive- with booklets for teenagers with very 'modern' graphics and urban design. It details the consequences of all drugs, socially, physically and neurologically.

There are also information booklets for parents detailing 'how to talk to your kids about drugs' which apparantley will be coming to every household in Australia. This appears to be a MASSIVE campaign by the Australian government.

I know my ideas are rapidly changing..... but I am considering a juxtaposition between this campaign and the children see children do campaign-
They have some definite similarities
* Looking at social problems (drugs/abuse) from a childs perspective
* Addressing both children and parents
* Placing an emphasis on effective parenting!

Yet, the two campaigns use different attitude change ideas, sources, persuasive techniques etc...

I am unsure how I might structure my blog.... perhaps detailing one campaign and the techniques it uses--- then the other campaign and its techniques for attitude change- and then finally evaluate the effectiveness of both- comparing and contrasting the techniques and differences.

I will also try to incorperate some research to evidence all of the techniques I will highlight.

If anyone has any input--- please dont hesitate to pop something down..... Im only 2nd year so I could do with some help. :)

Friday, August 17, 2007

My Blog--- Some ideas

Ok, after a great deal of to-ing and fro-ing i think I may have come up with my idea for my essay/blog.

I will look at question 2- What factors determine the success of attitude change programs? Describe theoretical bases and research evidence about key elements underlying attitude change programs. Include examples from a current or recent social change program-

I will mainly discuss the various social change, attitude change and persuasion techniques highlighted in the textbook and from other academic sources; which will include:
Theories and Models including
* Cognitive Dissonance
* Elaboration Likelihood Model
* The Communication-Persuasion Paradigm

Techniques including
* legitimisation of paltry favours
* disrupt then re frame
* Repetition with variation
* Fear Appeals
* Cinematography/music

I will evidence each technique (hopefully) with some social psych research/journal articles that give insight into why/why they are not successful techniques.

I will use two examples throughout the blog to evidence and clarify the techniques and strategies used. One is a television/radio/poster campaign called "Children see children do" (see below blog for tv ad). The other is "Every Child is important" a government funded campaign to stop child abuse; which used campaign launches, booklets, websites, government publicity and radio/television ads.

I wanted to use two campaigns that were similar in content and subject areas, yet wanted two completely different approaches to child safety/parenting/child abuse, from different agencies and sources.....

Any thoughts/ideas/comments would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks! xxxxx